
The Company has set up whistleblowing and complaint channels from those outside and inside about wrongdoings against the law, and the code of conduct or behavior bordering on fraud or malfeasance by all employees and other stakeholders. The Board’s mechanisms for protecting whistleblowers raise the efficiency of safeguarding the Company’s interests. Details as follows:

  1. Received whistleblowing and complaint matters
  2. All these matters will be initially verified. If data and supporting evidence are available, further action will be taken under the Company’s regulation.

Whistleblowing and complaint channels: The complaints can complaint through the following channels.

  1. Written letter send to:
    AVM Isaraya Sukcharoen  (Independent Director & Chairman of Audit Committee)
    ARIP Public Company Limited
    99/16-20 Ratchadapisek Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400
  2. Email at aripwhistleblow@arip.co.th